Yep, the word would be like the lawyer story, I might have a fool for a client.
I took about a week to gather up all of the substantaiting material. Basically three months of income, and bills. My cpa, which I can not affod anymore has done four or five 433's. Anyway, I thought the best option right now was tho be uncloolectable. That way the IRS would not bother me monthly.
That may be true but no one told me they do leave you alone but they file a lien on you for the total amount. The lien is ligher than a first on a mortgage. So the could floreclose, then take all you money, home, etc and leave the holder of your first and secound empty handed.
Well. I did it, it's done and no redo for a year. Happy about no IRS badgering for a year. Not happy about the credit rating going into th dumpster. To be contanued.